What sort of Dhamma practice leads to great food for oneself? Concerning this, the noble disciple reflects: " Here am I, fond of life , not wishing to die,fond of pleasure and averse to pain. If someone were to kill me, I would not like it. Likewise, if I were to kill someone they would not like that. For what is unpleasant to me must be unpleasant to another and how could I burden someone with that?" As a result of such reflection one abstains from killing, encourages others to abstain from it and speaks in praise of such abstaining.
Again , the noble disciple reflects: " If someone were to steal what was mine. I would not like that . Likewise, if I were to steal what belonged to someone else they would not like that . For what is unpleasant to me must be unpleasant to another and how could I burden someone with that?" As a result of such reflection he abstains from stealing,encourages others to abstain from it and speaks in praise of such abstaining.
Again , the noble disciple reflects: " If someone were to have intercourse with my spouse. I would not like it.Likewise, if I were to have intercourse with another's spouse they would not like that . For what is unpleasant to me must be unpleasant to another and how could I burden someone with that?" As a result of such reflection one abstains from wrong sensual desire,encourages others to abstain from it and speaks in praise of such abstaining.
Once again , the noble disciple reflects: " If someone were to ruin my benefit by lying I would not like it. Likewise, if I were to ruin someone else's benefit by lying they would not like that. For what is unpleasant to me must be unpleasant to another and how could I burden someone like that?" As a result of such reflection one abstains from lying,encourages others to abstain from it and speaks in praise of such abstaining. A noble disciple reflects further: " If someone were to estrange me from my friends by slander, speak harshly to me or distract me with pointless, frivolous chatter I would not like it. Likewise, if I were to do this to another they would not like that. For what is unpleasant to me must be unpleasant to another and how could I burden another with that?" As a result of such reflection one abstains from slander,harsh speech and pointless chatter ,encourages others to abstain from it and speaks in praise of such abstaining.