Recommended Reading List
Ever experienced
difficulties in wanting to know more about Buddhism but don’t know how?
Tried reading yourself but find the books too “chim”? This is exactly what
I experienced when I first tried to learn about Buddhism. I was sought
of “turned off” and thought that Buddhism is only for people with high
spiritual developments and not for ordinary beings like me. Luckily, over
the years, I stumbled into more accessible ways of learning. However, we
do not always have the time or even the patience to find the approachable
way of learning.
Hence, the Viriya Buddhist
Fellowship brings to you this “Recommended Readings”, with the goal of
providing an accessible path to the learning of Buddhism. We hope that
you would find this compilation useful and inspire you to learn more about
the religion.
A. Basic Doctrine & General Reading:
Buddhists Believe by K. Sri Dhammananda
Good Questions Good
Answers by Ven. S. Dhammika
All about Buddhism
by Ven. S. Dhammika
Be a Lamp Upon Yourself
B. The Buddha and his disciples:
Buddha and his friends
by Ven. S. Dhammika & Susan Harmer
Anathapindika and other
stories by S. Dhammika & Susan Harmer
Footprints of Gautama
the Buddha by Marie Beuzeville Byles
C. Meditation:
Settling back into the
moment, excerpts from The Experience of Insight by
Joseph Goldstein
D. Pali Canon:
The Dhammapada
by Ven. Narada
The Middle Length Discourses
of the Buddha
Original translated from Pali by Ven. Bhikkhu Nanamoli.
Translation edited and revised by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi.
E. Others
I Wonder Why
by Ven. Thubten Chodron
with Anger by Ven. Thubten
Walking Iris and other
poems by Ven. Sujiva